Over at The High Calling, we’re hunting for color. I already started, and I found a few things to put in my red basket.
Then I thought, what if we went hunting for color poems too? Claire agreed and so we decided we’ll feature two participants each (and link to all). That means one photo and one poem will get featured at The High Calling and another photo and poem will get featured here. As usual, every one will get links. Post your offering by this Wednesday, the 15th, on the T. S. Poetry Press Wall. (Yes, Megan, I know 😉
It also seems like a good time to try out the catalog technique we’ve been exploring at Every Day Poems. In fact, if anyone writes a catalog color poem that really illustrates the technique nicely, that could be another possible place to get featured.
Okay, here’s my try…
The Hunt
I went searching for red,
red on the teapot tree,
red in my dreams, red on
the heart on the edge
of my sleeves. I found it
in baskets, in kettles,
on cloth, on an old rusty
farm tool you wore
to its end
and left in a field
where I found it
one day, when the sky
bled to white, like the words
you kept leaving unsaid.
Post by L.L. Barkat. Visit L.L. at Seedlings in Stone, for more on writing, poetry, art and life. This post is also being shared with One Stop Poetry.
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Kelly Sauer says
L.L., that poem of yours, it is incredibly intense at its end – you couldn’t have seen that coming. It hurts. Wow.
Kelly Sauer says
Which is to say, it is evocative, and really, really good. I do love your poetry…
L.L. Barkat says
Kelly, thanks 🙂 I love the way poems can hold feelings from any time and place, as if they were “right now.” I love the way I am free in poems, to be myself or someone else all together. Poetry really is a wonderful vessel.
Anthony Desmond says
i love the color red, and i love this poem! 🙂
brian says
unsaid words scare me….some great textures you found in red esp that old farm tool…
leslie says
“where I found it
one day, when the sky
bled to white, like the words
you kept leaving unsaid.”
as others have said before me, i was surprised by the intensity of this ending, as your poem started out so light and sprightly “I went searching for red,
red on the teapot tree”. but i think an intense ending is utterly appropriate for a poem about the color red…
Sean Vessey says
I like the way this poem ramped up in intensity. Very cool. Thank you for sharinging.
Glynn says
Each word a small drop of blood – only a writer knws what it means to write red.
HisFireFly says
ahhh… Glynn is wide indeed. I echo his comment.
Loved the ending – the words that remain unsaid…
Pat Hatt says
Yeah unsaid words can be ones undoing or the exact opposite, nice write.