One of the marvelous things about the internet is how it has upended the publishing status quo, brought all kinds of new writers to the fore, and brought all kinds of writing to the attention of people all over the world. This is as true for poetry as it is for any other kind of writing and literature, and there is a wealth of sites dedicated to poetry that we particularly like and visit frequently.
The Poetry Foundation publishes Poetry magazine, and is “an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience.” The foundation was established in 2003 with a major gift from philanthropist Ruth Lilly; its predecessor organization was the Modern Poetry Association, founded in 1941. The Poetry Foundation is one of the largest literary foundations in the world. At its web site, you can find articles, resources, links, podcasts, news, poets and poems.
American Life in Poetry is managed by former poet Laureate Ted Kooser, and is focused on finding and publishing poems about all elements of American life and providing them to newspapers and online publications. It’s sponsored by the Poetry Foundation and the Library of Congress, and a new poem is posted weekly.
Poet Brian Brodeur hosts the How a Poem Happens blog, where he regularly features a poem and an interview with the poet as to how it came to be written. There are currently more than 140 posts in the archive, and it’s already a wealth of information and insight.
Poem Hunter is a search site for find poems, poets, lines from poems and a lot of other things. (Can’t quite remember where than line came from? Poem Hunter can help you find it.)
A feature at Information Please provides a list of poet laureates of the United States and links to most of them.
A Poetry Feed is a blog of poetry recordings managed by Karsten Piper, who teaches college writing and literature classes. Poems can be submitted for Pipe to record and post on the site.
If you have favorite poetry sites you’d like to share, please leave the links in the comment section.
And don’t forget the giveaway we have for Neruda’s Memoirs: Poems by Maurren Doallas. Just leave a comment by April 20 and you name will be automatically added to the random drawing.
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