If you are a tea drinker, chances are you have a favorite teacup or two. Here’s a poem about mine…
I remember traveling
in his suitcase, white athletic
socks stuffed in my belly to keep
me from breaking, rocking ‘midst
clouds, and your hand’s first
touch bringing me to birth
on that wooden table,
and your lips.
Tomorrow night we’re having our poetry party at 9:30-10:30 pm EST. And we’re asking you to bring your tea cups (preferably filled with tea)— both virtually and literally. Which means (without spilling it on your keyboard!) we’d like you to drink the tea of your choice at the party, and tweet a photo of your favorite tea cup sometime during the proceedings.
We got the idea because our prompts will be taken from the book The Republic of Tea. And won’t it be fun to play show-and-tell while we write sweet tea poetry?
Poem reprinted from InsideOut: Poems. Photo of my favorite teacup, by Me. 🙂
- Poetry Prompt: In the Wild Secret Place - January 6, 2025
- Journeys: What We Hold in Common - November 4, 2024
- Poetry Prompt: My Poem is an Oasis - August 26, 2024
Marcus Goodyear says
I’m more of a coffee man, myself. But I do enjoy a good cup of tea, and I’ll definitely be at the game tomorrow night!
Glynn says
I’ll drink Earl Grey. Or maybe raspberry ice tea. Marcus can bring the sweet tea.
Maureen Doallas says
Well, I managed to just break my favorite mug while washing it. I’d had it more than 15 years. I have an entire shelf of teas and lovely pots (until I stopped collecting them; one is from China, with dragons; another from southern France), so I’ll have something. Please don’t count on a pic, though.
Sandra Heska King says
Oh, fun! Setting my cell phone alarm. Hope I don’t misplace my cell phone. 😉
Brad Moore says
Sound like a proper good time!
Kelle Sauer says
I love the tea aisle at the grocery store – I just stand there, taking in all the packaging, the scents, the promise of relaxation. I’d never finish dinner with coffee, but a cup of tea totally relaxes me. And I have a teacup collection. I just love it. If I can make this party tomorrow night after my shoot, I expect it’ll be one of my favorites!
laura says
Hmmm…this sounds so delicious! Tea is a special drink for this lady. Not a daily thing, but when I do partake, I make sure to lift my pinky finger. And I feel oh-so-lady-like! I’m still here by the ocean, trying not to keep a schedule. We are having the in-laws over to our place for a big seafood dinner tonight. I’ll try to check in if at all possible!
Shall I bring my own china?
L. L. Barkat says
Marcus, well… I am convinced that once you have the right cup of tea, you will become a tea poet! 🙂 I’ve got a lychee blossom green on order from Republic of Tea that I’d share with you. But you’d have to come to NY for the weekend. 🙂
Glynn, Earl Grey is one of my absolute favorites. I’ve got a new Creme one that would send you to the clouds! 🙂
Kelly, why don’t you upload some of your pics earlier today if you can’t be at the party. They are so incredible, they must be seen.
Maureen…eek!!! If you don’t bring a pic to the party, you must post some sometime over at your blog. I want to see that beautiful collection.
Sandra, put your cell phone next to the tea kettle. 🙂
Laura, ah the ocean. Well, I admit that’s as good as tea. If I close my eyes I can imagine myself there with you, taking in the salt air and the sound of lulling waves. 🙂
Megan Willome says
I’m going to try to come. My muse goes to bed early, but perhaps if I brew up some of my ancient tea tree black tea I can participate.
L. L. Barkat says
Megan, even if you just slip in a few words here and there… and drink your tea…
Kelle Sauer says
Megan, my muse has been on vacation all day… you make me hopeful – maybe tea…?
nance nAncY nanc hey-you davis-baby says
sorry to miss the party…dinner guest tonight.