Here’s our third contribution on “Why Poetry Matters” that was submitted for the poetry and wine giveaway last month. The randomly chosen commenter received a copy of L.L. Barkat’s InsideOut: Poems, and the winner of the 100-word statements on what poetry matters received a copy of the poems and a bottle of Sineann wine.
This one is from Phoenix Karenee, and came in the form of a poem.
Poetry and Air
The tangible and all we see
flow through an inner, unseen world
and wash back out through history,
souls portrayed in fragile words.
Breathe in the tang of fitting phrase
inundated with spice of thought
flavoring that inner place
where motives, dreams, and will are wrought.
Breathe out beauty, honey sweet,
and speak truth of grief and shame.
Wrap select phrases to sharp point,
prodding souls to live again.
A lack of air would soon be felt
by gasping lungs and darkened eyes,
yet with words all life was built,
we live on terms from this derived.
Cloaked or displayed, life’s poetry
refreshes hearts too often stale.
Like the air the drift of phrase
can carry seeds or cause a gale.
- “The Sadbook Collections 2″ by Sara Barkat - March 13, 2025
- A Biography of Dante’s Divine Comedy - March 11, 2025
- 10 Great Resources for Teaching the Civil War - March 6, 2025
nAncY says
cool, karen.
Maureen Doallas says
So many wonderful phrases here. And the perfect format for saying why poetry matters.
Phoenix-Karenee says
Thanks for the feature, Glynn, and for the gracious comments Nancy and Maureen. I enjoyed reading so many of the entries, and I’m glad to know I’ll be reading those I missed soon!